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Roma Print Installs Xitron Inkjet CTP

Roma Printers & Stationers in Western Queensland were in a bind when their old plate making system failed in late 2018. They were used to working with metal plates and were conscious of the costs involved with purchasing a big conventional CTP system.

With relatively short run lengths of up to 10,000 impressions they still wanted quality output for their multiple GTO and Speedmaster presses. The work being produced was mainly one and two colour, NCR with some four colour output also required.

The options were limited but after speaking with Terry Mays from G2 PSD, business owner Tom Lorenz was introduced to the Xitron Inkjet CTP system. Utilising the industry standard Harlequin RIP to output ripped files to an Epson printer running metal plates, this seemed like the right product at the right time.

The plates are imaged on the Epson 6070 printer using inkjet receptive metal plates that are then baked in an oven to increase their run length. The Epson is unmodified in any way meaning it can still be used to produce posters and other point of sale materials.

The Xitron Navigator software allows the operators to check every job as a soft proof before committing them to the printer for plating, which saves a lot time and more importantly, wasted plates.

Installation of the system was simple and the unit integrated into the existing network at Roma Printers easily. After a day of install and training the unit was up and running and plates were being produced with ease.

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